Project Justification: Trade-off Options

The justification for a project isn’t always obvious. There could be a lot of negotiation to address conflicting business needs. And it can go beyond juggling the triple constraints of cost, scope, and time. When the team is struggling to agree on project justification, here are some trade-offs to consider.

  • Resources versus project finish date. Project requirements often come with pre-set, aggressive deadlines. Adding resources, including contracting specialized skills, is one way to meet those deadlines. Keep in mind, even with more resources, aggressive deadlines can increase risk because the schedule is more sensitive to resource changes and task completion issues.
  • Using out-of-the-box, configuration, or customization when implementing software. Software products often come with a standard set of business processes they support. This out-of-the box approach to implementing software is the easiest and least expensive. Most software packages also supply features to configure the product, providing flexibility to support varied business processes. While configuring is more expensive and time-consuming than using out-of-the-box software, configuration can enhance business efficiency and effectiveness. Alternatively, businesses might choose to customize the software to address specific or unique processes. Customization is costly and comes with inherent risks, such as compatibility with future software updates from the vendor. Prioritize using out-of-the-box or configuration. Reserve customization for cases where the business relies on proprietary and unique processes that require tailored software support.
  • Deliver in phases versus running one large project. Many stakeholders submit a broad set of project requirements. While they are all useful, you might not need all of them to deliver business benefit. Breaking a project down into phases means you can deliver value earlier. It also reduces risk, especially when project team members have day-to-day operational responsibilities. A longer project means it’s more likely that key team members will be pulled away to handle operational needs. Finally, when the business is cost-conscious, a smaller project is helpful. The initial project phase will cost less. Also, stakeholders will scrutinize the requirements for future project phases, because they need a stand-alone business case. Finally, as business conditions change, a seemingly important requirement might not be as crucial.
  • Quality versus speed. Quality versus speed is a powerful yet risky trade-off. Sure, you can reduce project cost and deliver products sooner by using fewer quality assurance processes. However, the project cost might increase if the delivered products have errors that affect the business, or worse yet, your business’s customers. This trade-off is often made late in a project when deadlines are at risk, and teams are desperate to deliver on time. Discuss this trade-off possibility in advance before deadline pressure is present. Negotiate to keep the quality assurance processes needed to protect the business from costly errors.
  • Long-term maintenance versus initial development. In product development projects, a crucial decision involves identifying the ongoing maintenance activities required once the project concludes and the product is in daily use. You can minimize product maintenance by investing more effort, cost, and time during development. Development for a simpler product can be faster and less costly, but it can increase maintenance effort and long-term usage cost. For example, you could build a machine that is self-lubricating, which would be more costly. However, maintenance would involve ensuring that there was enough lubricant for the machine to work properly. The simpler machine would cost less to build.  But then, it would require effort, resources, and downtime while the machine is periodically disassembled and lubricated manually. Working with the product designers, project managers can identify the holistic total cost of ownership to negotiate project approval. 


This article belongs to the Bonnie’s Project Pointers newsletter series, which has more than 59,000 subscribers. This newsletter is 100% written by a human (no aliens or AIs involved). If you like this article, you can subscribe to receive notifications when a new article posts.

Want to learn more about the topics I talk about in these newsletters? Watch my courses in the LinkedIn Learning Library and tune into my LinkedIn Office Hours live broadcasts.


Attaining Harmony with Your Sponsor

Harmony between the project manager and project sponsor increases your ability to achieve project objectives. Because each relationship is unique, you must build it with intention. Here are critical items to understand to increase your harmony with your sponsor:

  • Your sponsor’s perspective of their strengths and areas to improve. Everyone has strengths and areas for improvement. Determine where your sponsor sees themselves as a solid contributor, and where they feel they could improve. That way, you can optimize the contributions you make. Prioritize the outcomes that the sponsor needs the most, that you can produce given your strengths, and the sponsor might struggle to produce. This collaboration inspires confidence and increases productivity. When you support each other, your interactions become more comfortable and predictable, and that benefits every project you two work together on.
  • How your sponsor processes information. Some people like to see the big picture, while others prefer diving into details. A sponsor might focus on task status or concentrate instead on budget status. Think communication plan: what information, presentation format, communication method, and frequency. Communicate the information your sponsor cares about most in the way that makes it easiest for them to understand. When other information is significant, point it out to the sponsor. Use the sponsor’s preferred method and frequency of delivery, such as face to face every Friday, by email as needed. Make sponsor communication high-priority. When you follow your sponsor’s communication preferences, you will increase your effectiveness and your sponsor’s confidence.
  • Your sponsor’s triple-constraint priority. Manage your project according to your sponsor’s priority of cost, scope, and time. That way, you know the trade-offs your sponsor would be willing to make. For example, if time is most important, followed by scope, and then cost, you can guess that the sponsor would choose to spend more and shave a little scope in order to stay on schedule. This priority also guides you in how to manage risk responses and report variance. With this knowledge, you can proactively recommend or implement adjustments as the project progresses. You and your sponsor will be aligned, even when things aren’t on track.
  • Your sponsor’s decision-making approach. Some managers prefer having facts so they can analyze them to figure out a course of action. Others want you to do the analysis and present options with pros and cons so they can choose. Your sponsor will make decisions more quickly when you give them the information they want. Following their decision-making approach can also streamline how you manage change in your projects.

Have you discovered other things that can help build a better relationship with a project sponsor? Or do you have questions about how to implement the ones in this article? If so, share with us in the comments section.


This article belongs to the Bonnie’s Project Pointers newsletter series, which has more than 59,000 subscribers. This newsletter is 100% written by a human (no aliens or AIs involved). If you like this article, you can subscribe to receive notifications when a new article posts.

Want to learn more about the topics I talk about in these newsletters? Watch my courses in the LinkedIn Learning Library and tune into my LinkedIn Office Hours live broadcasts.


Trends in Project Management

Here are seven of the hottest trends in the evolving field of project management. Post in the comment section with which of these topics interest you. I will prioritize future articles based on the topics with the highest interest.

  1. AI and automation in project management. Artificial intelligence (AI) and automation technologies are being integrated into project management tools. These help streamline routine tasks, improve accuracy in project forecasting, and enhance overall efficiency.

  2. Agile in non-IT environments. The principles of Agile, such as iterative development and continuous feedback, have reached beyond software development and are being embraced in fields like marketing, HR, and manufacturing.

  3. Hybrid project management. Many organizations are adopting hybrid project management approaches, which combine traditional waterfall and Agile practices. The benefit is to use appropriate approaches to different parts of a project to achieve the best project outcomes.

  4. Remote project management. With the rise of remote work, project managers must adapt their strategies to manage remote teams in different locations. This requires collaboration tools, virtual communication platforms, and effective approaches for developing teamwork.

  5. Emphasis on emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is now recognized as a crucial skill for project managers. With stakeholders, the ability to understand and navigate emotions will enhance communication, collaboration, and project success.

  6. Data-driven decision-making. Project managers are leveraging data analytics alongside project management tools to make informed decisions. By collecting and analyzing relevant data, teams can identify trends, anticipate potential issues, and optimize processes for better project outcomes.

  7. Focus on organizational change management. Successful project managers are using organizational change management principles to help teams and stakeholders adapt to project-related changes. This includes communication strategies, stakeholder engagement, and addressing resistance to change.

Post in the comments section to cast your vote(s) for your favorite trend!

Coming Up

Marlene Chism is an expert in conflict, anger management, working with difficult people, and having difficult conversations – things most of us want to avoid. Despite the tough topics, she’s a truly lovely person. In this LinkedIn Learning Office Hours, we’re going to dig into some of the concepts she teaches for dealing with conflict. We’ll spend the rest of the session providing practical advice for dealing with conflict and other difficult situations. Bring your questions about the conflict you need help with, and we’ll provide advice for as many as we can fit in!I hope you will join us on Wednesday, January 17, 2024, 11am MT, 1 PM ET for this no-nonsense, advice-packed session on dealing with conflict with composure.


This article belongs to the Bonnie’s Project Pointers newsletter series, which has more than 58,000 subscribers. This newsletter is 100% written by a human (no aliens or AIs involved). If you like this article, you can subscribe to receive notifications when a new article posts.

Want to learn more about the topics I talk about in these newsletters? Watch my courses in the LinkedIn Learning Library and tune into my LinkedIn Office Hours live broadcasts.


Dealing with competing project priorities

Dealing with competing project prioritiesTeam members usually juggle work on multiple projects, so competing priorities and limited staff time are bound to disrupt project schedules. When your project faces competition from other high-priority projects, follow these steps to optimize results for your organization:

  • Verify project priorities with management. Lack of guidance from senior leaders can result in conflicting priorities. Management might not be aware of potential conflicts unless project managers bring them to their attention. Present the project conflicts to management and ask for unambiguous project priorities so the project managers involved can adjust their schedules accordingly. If your project isn’t high priority, move on to the remaining steps in this article.
  • Identify the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) scope. To support current organization priorities, focus on the MVP scope for your project. This will minimize the drag on organizational resources while still delivering value to the business. Work with your project team to reassess and reprioritize tasks that focus on the MVP. You can defer or deprioritize non-essential tasks to reduce scope and workload. Moving forward, consider deferred scope items for a separate project when organizational priorities permit.
  • Identify the required skills to produce the MVP. Adjust your project staffing to supply the skills needed for the MVP. This adjustment might reduce the demand for senior project team members and alleviate prioritization conflicts.
  • Work with other project managers and/or department heads to optimize schedules. Compare staffing needs across projects with your colleagues. You may find ways to optimize schedules by redistributing tasks or sharing resources without overallocation.
  • Adjust your project timeline. Reevaluate your project timeline based on the MVP scope, available resources, and when resources are available to your project. Clearly communicate timeline changes to stakeholders to manage their expectations.
  1. Closely monitor your revised plan. Be flexible as your project and competing projects progress. You might need to adjust your plan again to optimize overall organization results. Regularly monitor and adapt your project plan as needed.

Every project manager has had to deal with competing priorities. How do you approach this dilemma? What changes have you made on past projects? Share with us in the comments section.

For more about project priorities, check out Andy Jordan’s Project Portfolio Management Foundations course.

Coming Up

Marlene Chism is an expert in conflict, anger management, working with difficult people, and having difficult conversations – things most of us want to avoid. Despite the tough topics, she’s a truly lovely person. In this LinkedIn Learning Office Hours, we’re going to dig into some of the concepts she teaches for dealing with conflict. We’ll spend the rest of the session providing practical advice for dealing with conflict and other difficult situations. Bring your questions about the conflict you need help with, and we’ll provide advice for as many as we can fit in!I hope you will join us on Wednesday, January 17, 2024, 11am MT, 1 PM ET for this no-nonsense, advice-packed session on dealing with conflict with composure.


This article belongs to the Bonnie’s Project Pointers newsletter series, which has more than xx,000 subscribers. This newsletter is 100% written by a human (no aliens or AIs involved). If you like this article, you can subscribe to receive notifications when a new article posts.

Want to learn more about the topics I talk about in these newsletters? Watch my courses in the LinkedIn Learning Library and tune into my LinkedIn Office Hours live broadcasts.


Focus on What’s Important

One of Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly-Successful People is to put first things first – that is – put your time and energy into what’s important and say no to what isn’t. Let’s look at common project manager habits that you might want to break in order to have time to focus on what’s truly important in your projects.

  • Attending repeat meetings routinely. Meetings are often pre-scheduled every one or two weeks. It’s a handy way to carve out time to keep stakeholders up to date. What if there’s no significant project news or risks to talk about? There’s no need for a meeting!  New habit: Work with your team to determine whether a meeting is necessary. Then, skip or cancel it if there isn’t anything relevant to cover.

  • Answering emails in order of receipt. Many project managers answer emails in the order they were received to reply in a timely fashion. Timely communication is important, but not every email requires an immediate response. New habit: Set specific times in your day to respond to emails. Review all new emails and prioritize responding to them based on their urgency and importance. (Give people another communication method for emergencies.)

  • Getting administrative tasks out of the way. Everyone has administrative tasks to do and seeing them on our desks can be annoying. (This is so me!)  Many people will finish these low-priority tasks up front, so they aren’t nagged by the piles of paperwork. Most of the time, you can postpone these activities until things calm down. New habit: Set aside time in your schedule when it’s usually quiet to handle your admin tasks.

  • Worrying about non-critical-path tasks. Keeping the project schedule on track is important. But you don’t have to scrutinize every task in your project. Don’t get distracted by issues with tasks that aren’t on the critical path. Instead, focus on critical tasks – the ones that affect your project timeline. New habit: Focus on critical path tasks and tasks with very little slack. Leave the management of other tasks to your team members.

  • Wasting time on time-consuming reporting processes.  Reporting is important — and time-consuming. You can streamline reporting, but that usually takes time. So what? Take the time to automate or delegate reporting. You’ll recoup it many times over during your project management career. New habit: Spend time up front to streamline reporting. Consider restructuring your project reports to make them easier to create.

  • Wasting time on any process. Just like reporting, there are lots of project management activities that are important, but chew through your workday. Think about ways to perform these tasks more efficiently. Prioritize them by how much time you can save. Then, spend some time each week making your efforts more productive: build templates, implement new tools, harness AI, and so on. New habit: Set aside some time each week to work on ways to make your work more productive.

  • Interrupting your focus by answering the phone. Phone calls interrupt your work and distract you. But they aren’t necessarily important or urgent. Don’t answer the phone unless you know it’s important. New habit: Don’t answer the phone unless you’re expecting the call. Set up a communication method (I recommend texting) for immediate and important communication. Commit to answering other forms of communication within a specific timeframe, such as 24 or 48 hours.

Do you have habits that you know aren’t effective? Do you have ideas for how to focus on what’s important? What is the one thing you could do differently that would help you focus on what’s truly important? Share with us in the comments section.

For more about being effective, check out Dave Crenshaw’s Time Management Fundamentals course. Or look at Chris Croft’s Five Ways to Control Your Time course.

Coming Up

Marlene Chism is an expert in conflict, anger management, working with difficult people, and having difficult conversations – things most of us want to avoid. Despite the tough topics, she’s a truly lovely person. In this LinkedIn Learning Office Hours, we’re going to dig into some of the concepts she teaches for dealing with conflict. We’ll spend the rest of the session providing practical advice for dealing with conflict and other difficult situations. Bring your questions about the conflict you need help with, and we’ll provide advice for as many as we can fit in!I hope you will join us on Wednesday, January 17, 2024, 11am MT, 1 PM ET for this no-nonsense, advice-packed session on dealing with conflict with composure.


This article belongs to the Bonnie’s Project Pointers newsletter series, which has more than 57,000 subscribers. This newsletter is 100% written by a human (no aliens or AIs involved). If you like this article, you can subscribe to receive notifications when a new article posts.

Want to learn more about the topics I talk about in these newsletters? Watch my courses in the LinkedIn Learning Library and tune into my LinkedIn Office Hours live broadcasts.
