Entries by Bonnie Biafore

Is Your Project Ready to be Re-launched?

Management might put a project on hold because other priorities take precedence or it needs recovery. When it’s time to relaunch, you don’t pick up where you left off. Here’s the sequence of steps to take to relaunch a project: Document what changed. Team members must understand that things will be different. Otherwise, they might […]

How to evaluate a large project change request

Project change requests are a common occurrence. Occasionally, a change request can be extensive, requiring additional analysis. Here are questions to ask to provide the change review board with the information it needs to approve a major change request. Will the change increase project complexity? Organizations often have a standard set of parameters for assessing […]

Is Your Project Idea Ready for Launch?

Project ideas pop up all the time, but that doesn’t mean they are all worth pursuing. Companies want to reap enough benefits from the time and money they spend on projects. To make sure a candidate project is worthwhile, someone needs to complete some prerequisites before the project is launched. Who gets these prerequisites in […]

Dealing with a Project Budget Cut

The dynamics in business could lead to a project budget cut. While it’s disruptive and triggers emotion, the situation isn’t impossible to manage. Here are tips on dealing with a budget cut.  Keep calm. You might interpret a budget cut as failure. A budget cut is a business decision, which requires a well-thought out response. […]

How to Manage Project Reviews or Audits

A project review is typically run from within an organization, while an external compliance-monitoring organization, such as a consulting firm or government agency, often conducts a project audit. Without the proper perspective, a project review or audit can be like a trip to the dentist. Here are different management approaches you should take with project […]

Skills Required for Program Management

Thinking of making the jump from project to program management? A program manager’s job is more than being a very competent project manager. Let’s examine a few of the critical skills you need to fulfill a program manager’s responsibilities. Refined business sense. Program managers require significant business acumen. Just to initiate the program, you need […]

PMBoK7 Perspectives: Optimize Risk Responses

The Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBoK7) emphasizes how managing risk with appropriate responses helps optimize project outcomes. Here are the five characteristics of optimal risk responses outlined by the Project Management Institute.  Appropriate for the risk’s significance. The risk responses you choose should align with the impact the risk has on your project. For […]

How to Handle a Team Member Change

A team member leaving your project can be very disruptive. Fortunately, there are ways to reduce the impact of that person’s departure. Here are some tips for welcoming and integrating your new team member to make the transition flow smoothly. Include orientation time. Regardless of your team member’s abilities, allocate time for reviewing with the […]

Managing a Sponsor Change

The relationship between the sponsor and project manager is so critical that a change of sponsor is very disruptive. If you end up with a new sponsor, quickly establish rapport with them with the following steps. Confirm the sponsor’s knowledge of the project. Always have a one-page project summary ready and review it with your […]

Is Your Project Ready for Its Kick-off Meeting?

The project kick-off meeting is a big milestone in the project lifecycle.  When it’s complete, the team can dive into getting the project work done. Here’s some preparation for you to complete to make your kick-off meeting a success.  Obtain agreement on the defined scope. Make sure stakeholders have a common understanding of the project […]