Entries by Bonnie Biafore

Must-have Hard Skills for Project Managers

A solid team can contribute to the broad range of skills needed to complete projects successfully. However, project managers must possess several skills to ensure project success: Construct risk response plans. Although team members can identify risks, the project manager handles building and managing sound risk responses. Because the PM is the project liaison to […]

Tips for Launching Projects Successfully

The fate of most projects is determined by how they’re launched. With a proper launch, the project has a good chance of succeeding. Botch it and the chance of delivering value is almost zero. Here are my top tips for nailing the project launch: Develop a shared understanding of the project. You and your project […]

Improve Your Leadership Skills with Emotional intelligence

As project managers, we don’t simply manage work, deliverables, and documentation – we lead and support the people on our project teams. Emotional intelligence (also known as Emotional Quotient or EQ) helps us do that. Here’s how enhancing your EQ can help: Relate to people working from home. Working with others is challenging even when […]

Tips to Reduce Project Chaos

People problems, business pressures, and creating unique results come with unexpected challenges. Dealing with chaos is one more thing project managers must do. Here are a few tips for reducing project chaos. Research past lessons learned. Capturing lessons learned is often like wishful thinking. People talk about doing it, but rarely get around to it. […]

When You Need to Justify Your Project Manager Role

Project management is often viewed as overhead, which is a typical target when cost cutting is in the air. As a result, you might find yourself in the uncomfortable position of justifying your role as project manager. Here are several approaches you can use to educate leaders about the value of project management and skilled […]

5 Ways to Amplify Project Management Benefits

As a project manager, you know that effective project management increases project outcomes and delivers improved business results. Here are ways to strengthen the benefits your project management practices provide to your projects and your entire organization. Deploy repeatable methods. Applying consistent project management processes across projects is a great way to beef up the […]

Is Your Project a Good Candidate for Agile?

Don’t force agile onto every project you run just because agile and iterative methodologies are “in.” To succeed with agile, make sure your projects are good agile candidates. Here are questions to ask before choosing an agile approach for a project:    Is the project important enough to get the right people dedicated to it? Agile […]

The Top Tool for Developing Your Influence as a Project Manager

Stakeholder management is crucial to project management. And influencing others is crucial to stakeholder management. Don’t count on charisma or positional power for influence. Experienced project managers use project information as their go-to influence tool. Here are ways project information can turn you into an expert influencer. Keep people informed about the project schedule. How […]

4 tips for Making the Most of Limited Office Time

How to return to working in the office – or not – is hot news in 2021. The pandemic has proven that many people don’t have to work in the office all the time. However, collaboration is challenging when your project team has limited overlapping office time.  Here are tips to make the most of […]

Four Reasons to Consider Specializing as a Project Manager

Should a project manager be able to manage any project in any industry? Yes, if industry experts are available to supplement the project manager’s skills and experience. Is that efficient? Do businesses want PMs without specific industry experience? Here are four reasons to consider specializing to promote your project management career.  Vocabulary and regulations. Each […]