Entries by Bonnie Biafore

Make the Most of Opportunities in Risk Management

To most people risk has a negative connotation. In risk management, opportunities are the bright side of risk. This article identifies several common opportunities that projects can use to their advantage. Let’s start by reviewing the terms used to describe positive risk and the actions that can be taken to turn them into reality. A […]

How to Coach Your Project Sponsor

An effective sponsor can contribute 30% or more to a project’s success. Yet, according to recent research performed jointly with Harvard Business Review, only 13% of executives have received specific training on how to be a successful project sponsor. What do good sponsors do and how can you make sure yours is doing those things? […]

Delivering Projects in a VUCA World

The world is complicated. Almost every project faces variability, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA), which makes delivering even the most straightforward project a challenge. Here are 5 ways to increase project success in a VUCA world.

Where Microsoft Project Management Tools Stand Today

Microsoft project management products come and go, change names, and introduce or retire features, which can be confusing and a bit nerve-wracking. In this article, Cindy M. Lewis and I clarify the current state of Microsoft’s PM tools (with an Ask Me Anything Office Hours to follow on Dec. 11, 2024). What about all the […]

Gathering project perspectives

Effective project managers work to understand the diverse perspectives stakeholders have about a project, so they can manage conflicts and keep everyone engaged. Interviews and polling are two standard approaches. Here are other effective methods to gather different viewpoints of a project. Interactive workshops. To identify project perspectives that are otherwise hard to uncover, consider […]

Integration is a people first process

Project integration can be tricky when you combine multiple technical components, processes, or both. Most people focus on the technical side of an integration. Yet, the problems in integrations are often technical errors caused by communication and human elements. Here are some actions that help prevent technical issues with integrations.   Specifically assign ownership. Two or […]

When should the sponsor address the project team?

The project manager is the primary communicator with the project team. Sometimes, the sponsor’s presence makes a significant impact on the project team. Here are times to leverage the sponsor’s influence. The Kickoff meeting. This meeting sets the project’s direction and confirms the responsibilities of the project manager and the team. Also, the sponsor can […]

Is Your Compromise Reasonable?

Negotiating reasonable compromises with stakeholders is a given in the life of a project manager. But what constitutes a reasonable compromise? Here are things to consider when assessing whether a compromise is reasonable. Multiple solutions were explored. Don’t allow discussion to stop when an initial solution is identified. The best compromise discussions explore alternatives to […]

Successful project success criteria

The SMART (Specific, Measurable, Agreed-to, Realistic, and Time-Boxed) model is a standard for defining effective objectives and requirements, and it can also be applied to project success criteria. Beyond SMART characteristics, effective success criteria should also: Be tied to the business value used to justify the project. The project’s success criteria should reflect the project’s […]

What Senior Leader’s Really Want

Project management has a clear goal: to deliver business value. As a project manager, what can you do to support senior leaders on that value journey. Be predictable. Project methodologies create a pathway from idea to the realization of benefits. A powerful element of a methodology is predictability — for senior leaders and the team. […]