Entries by Bonnie Biafore

Managing a project during a pandemic

Managing projects is rarely easy. Managing during a pandemic is another matter!  Here are four actions that can help: Soft skills first! It’s time to highlight your soft skills.  Touch base with each team member to determine their ability to perform.  Based on their circumstances, you may need to adjust their availability upward or downward […]

Picking the Right Tool for Effective Communication

Effective communication content is critical for project managers, but so is the tool you use to send your messages. Here are tool guidelines based on the intent of your communication: Email is appropriate for repeatable and expected messages such as status reporting or scheduling meetings. Because recipients can’t use factors like the voice inflection to […]

Manage Scope by Assessing Ownership

When project ideas flow freely, managing scope can challenging. One sure way to manage scope is to assess ownership. Unless the identified owner is appropriate, that element shouldn’t be part of your project. An owner is appropriate when: They can provide funding. An appropriate owner will fund the development of their scope item. In addition, […]

How a Project Manager Adjusts to Agile

Experienced project managers can manage agile projects — IF they make the necessary adaptations! Here’s how you need to adjust when managing agile projects: Ditch the Gantt Chart. Agile is a fluid production approach based on progressive learning and adapting to business priority changes. As a result, the pre-planned tasks in a Gantt chart aren’t […]

The Right Way to Fast-track or Crash Your Project

Fast-tracking means scheduling tasks in parallel when possible. Crashing is adding people or spending money to complete work earlier. Don’t be overly ambitious with these techniques. Here are some dos and don’ts for fast-tracking and crashing: Do look for opportunities to fast-track or crash. These strategies can shorten the schedule, but also add risk — […]

What you can and can’t change in Agile

Agile methodologies accommodate change easily, which is why they’re called -er- agile! However, some things don’t change. Here’s an overview of what you can and can’t change with agile: Priority.  Each sprint includes a review and re-prioritization of the functional backlog, so you can change priority before each sprint.  Prioritization of items commonly occurs as […]

The Benefits of Dedicated Resources

Dedicated project team members might appear expensive, but they provide significant benefits, which might reduce your project costs: Focused responsibilities. Dedicated people aren’t distracted by day-to-day operational issues. They can fully examine the project deliverables and understand how the project is proceeding so they can deliver what’s best for the project. You get better outcomes […]