Entries by Bonnie Biafore

Assigning Responsibilities in the Ideal Project Charter

A project charter defines project scope and describes the responsibilities of the sponsor and project manager. So, you might think the responsibilities section would be as easy as “cut and paste.” Think again! The responsibilities in an ideal charter depend on the experience and expertise of the sponsor and project manager. Here are areas and […]

Don’t Forget About Your Personal Growth as a Project Manager

Are you so focused on your projects that you’ve been ignoring your personal growth as a project manager? You have to be proactive about growing or you’ll stagnate. Pursue challenges, feedback, education, and experiences that will expand your capabilities. Here are some ideas for promoting your growth and improving your project delivery. Exchange ideas with […]

The Surprising Benefits of Dedicated Resources

  Operational employees who come and go from a project are a common challenge for project managers. Due to their day-to-day business responsibilities, project tasks can become “when time allows” activities — which makes managing a project schedule difficult. Not only do dedicated project team members avoid this situation, they also come with these other […]

Analyzing the Feasibility of Aggressive Deadlines

  Business pressures often lead sponsors to set aggressive deadlines. And meeting those deadlines may be exactly what your organization needs. It’s not an easy situation. As a project manager, your best survival strategy is to set stakeholders’ expectations for what it will take to deliver the project in that timeframe. Let’s look at how […]

What If You Feel Lonely as a PM

If you’re feeling lonely or isolated as a project manager, you aren’t alone (pun intended.) Overcoming that feeling is a balance between professional effectiveness and personal relationships. You also have to be intentional and apply some practical steps. Here are a few things you can do: Leverage the decision-making process. Decision-making and resolving issues are […]

PM Power Tool: Leveraging Delegation

  Do you want to expand your capability to manage more projects? You can by delegating! But delegation can be scary, because you’re releasing control to others. With the right attitude and activities, delegation can become your go-to tool that isn’t so scary. Here are the best ways to make delegation work for you as […]

Recognize Constructive Conflict

Conflict isn’t fun for most people. Emotions are high and substantial outcomes could be at risk for both business and stakeholder relationships. Constructive conflict can be beneficial and should be used, instead of being suppressed. Here’s how to recognize constructive stakeholder conflict.  The issue and intended outcome are clear. Conflicts that improve project outcomes have […]

Make Your Project a Positive Place to Work

You’ve probably heard “the leader sets the tone.” This tone is all about the environment you create for your project team. Here are things you can do – TODAY – to make your project a positive (and attractive) place to work. And that helps you make your project a success. Receive news, both good and […]

Learning to Love Project Constraints

Limited budgets, required scope, hard and fast deadlines, and quality standards. These constraints make project delivery challenging! Wouldn’t it be great to manage projects without the pressure of constraints? Not so fast. Here’s how constraints help us deliver our projects.  Budgets drive perceived value. A non-profit I volunteered for used to hold an intro training […]

Objectives for Successful Testing

Testing your project’s products is a critical step in delivering successful projects – testing is one way to confirm that your project accomplishes what it’s supposed to. An effective testing scheme must meet the following objectives. Validate that requirements are satisfied. There should be a specific test for every requirement to confirm that it has […]