
The Top Tool for Developing Your Influence as a Project Manager

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Stakeholder management is crucial to project management. And influencing others is crucial to stakeholder management. Don’t count on charisma or positional power for influence. Experienced project managers use project information as their go-to influence tool. Here are ways project information can turn you into an expert influencer.

Keep people informed about the project schedule. How many days have you had when someone hasn’t asked, “When will the project be done?” or “When will you need my resources?” or “Can we change the schedule?” A detailed project schedule answers all these questions. It can show the impact on important tasks if you change the schedule or alter the date a critical resource becomes available. Let your project schedule do the heavy lifting when it comes to influencing stakeholders.

Address risks and costs. Stakeholders, reacting without thinking, might request changes or actions that add scope, reduce testing, or deliver sooner. Address the risks and potential costs of such actions — in advance — by including them in risk, scope, and cost management plans. That way, you have ready-made arguments for sticking to agreed-upon plans. 

Highlight trade-offs. In other instances, stakeholders request changes to plans based on wise business decisions.  Show the trade-offs within these decisions. Fast-tracking a schedule adds risk. Crashing the project schedule adds cost. Presenting trade-offs is powerful: you either underscore the impact of change or end the discussion if the impact is deemed unacceptable. Either way, stakeholders move forward understanding the impact of their decisions.

Leverage experts. Building project deliverables with the help of technical experts strengthens your project planning. Use the influence of your team’s experience to confirm your approach. If you don’t have experts in-house, reach out to contractors or other project managers and technicians who have delivered projects like yours. Real-world experience boosts your ability to influence stakeholders.

For more about stakeholder management, check out Natasha Kasimtseva’s Managing Project Stakeholders course.

Four Reasons to Consider Specializing as a Project Manager

Should a project manager be able to manage any project in any industry? Yes, if industry experts are available to supplement the project manager’s skills and experience. Is that efficient? Do businesses want PMs without specific industry experience? Here are four reasons to consider specializing to promote your project management career. 

Vocabulary and regulations. Each industry has its own vocabulary, including slang, acronyms, and unique descriptions of regulatory items. If you have to learn the lingo, you take your time and effort away from the project team, making it difficult to build respect. By specializing, you understand the lingo and solidify your reputation as a knowledgeable industry insider. 

Keep up with trends. In almost every industry, equipment, vendor capabilities, techniques and available resources change quickly. Bottom line: it’s taxing to keep up with the changes in multiple industries. Specializing allows you to increase your value by introducing latest trends, rather than learning about them from your stakeholders. 

Develop foresight. Specializing in an industry or type of project builds experience that helps you anticipate issues and take advantage of successful approaches from prior projects. You can anticipate and understand project-related risks and how to address them. Keen foresight can positively impact all three elements of the triple constraint: time, scope and cost. Projects deliver more value when you add your industry skills to those of the project team.

Build a network and reputation. The best project managers don’t have to look for work – they are pursued by business sponsors because of the reputation they’ve developed. Working consistently in an industry enables effective networking with project team members, peers, and key stakeholders. Promoting yourself within a single industry is simpler and allows you to spend more time delivering your current project, with fewer worries about your next assignment or corporate position.

For more about building your project management career, check out the course Become a Project Management Entrepreneur, co-authored by Seyi Kukoyi and yours truly.

How to Inspire Accountability in Team Members

As a project manager, you need to inspire accountability from people who report to other managers. It’s enormously challenging! Here are tips to get your team members to be accountable.

Collaborate to build and confirm understanding of your work breakdown structure (WBS). When you collaborate on the WBS, team members get a deeper perspective and understanding of how their work fits into the overall project. Ask people who understand each section of the WBS to explain it to the rest of the team. That way, everyone on the team understands how their work contributes to the project objectives. When a team works together to decide how to approach a project, the sense of ownership grows. And ownership builds accountability because nobody wants THEIR project to falter.

Make sure task relationships are understood. After you’ve built your project schedule from the WBS, ensure each team member understands and agrees to the pre-requisite tasks that need to be completed for them to complete their work. Equally important, make sure each team member understands the tasks they need to finish so other team members can complete their deliverables. Doing this reinforces the value their deliverables contribute and cultivates accountability amongst the team.

Acknowledge completed work. Good project managers acknowledge deliverables completed by their team members. Great project managers foster a sense of pride within their team members by acknowledging something specific about the work each team member delivers. This reinforces the sense of accountability which will manifest itself in future project work.

Provide formal recognition. Formally acknowledge the work of each team member by writing an email to their manager. This reinforces the contribution project work provides to the organization and the value their employee provided to generate business outcomes. The enthusiasm this act generates in the team member not only boosts accountability on future project work —  it can boost accountability to deliver projects for the entire organization.

For more about teams, check out Mike Figluolo’s course building High-Performance Teams.

Don’t Let Human Foibles Hurt Small Projects

Small projects don’t always get the respect they deserve. Here are a few tips for keeping people’s peccadillos from derailing your small project: 

Consider team members’ personalities. Small projects have only a few people, so – um —  harsh personalities stand out. With small teams, you need people who work well together. Coax your team members into getting to know and understand one another, even if the project duration is short. Don’t forget about your own personality and that of your sponsor to minimize potential conflicts and leverage your team’s strengths.

Protect your team from excessively detailed reporting. Your sponsor may want detailed reporting even on a small project. Try to discourage this — if possible. On a small project, discuss status with team members and capture the information you need for status reports. Keep your sponsor in their comfort zone of status detail and your job will be much easier. 

Watch for competing priorities. Small projects don’t necessarily mean small amounts of work for the team. Others may be clueless about that and pressure your team members to take on other work. Emphasize the commitment needed to meet project timeframes with your folks’ managers. Small projects can yield big outcomes – make sure all stakeholders understand your project’s value.

Stay on top of change management. Even a small change can significantly affect business processes. To ensure you deliver the intended business value, don’t skip change management in your project. Make sure stakeholders understand, are comfortable with, and can use your project outputs to generate business value. 

For more about managing small projects, check out my Project Management Foundations: Schedules course.

5 Tips to Reduce Scheduling Tool Headaches

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Like a sharp knife for a chef, a scheduling tool is a must-have item for a project manager. Scheduling tools, like any technology, can help or hurt. Here are five tips for using your project scheduling tool with less drama. 

  1. Use a template or copy a successful plan. Although projects are unique endeavours, they are rarely totally different from past projects. Use a project template or copy and modify a schedule from a successful past project. You can save time, leverage the success of these schedules, and capture tasks you might otherwise overlook. 
  2. Keep task relationships simple. The straightforward finish-to-start task relationship works most of the time and it’s the easiest for people to understand. Use that simple relationship unless there is a pressing reason for start-to-start or finish-to-finish (or lag and lead time).
  3. Customize calendar and hours/day defaults. The calendar settings you use need to match your organization’s and team member’s work schedules or your schedule won’t be accurate. Don’t forget to add holidays and other non-working days like factory maintenance periods to your project calendar. Also, consider adjusting the default hours per day or other calendar settings to reflect the actual project work time. While an 8-hour workday is common, team members rarely work 8 hours on your project tasks. Team meetings, other project and operational work is often required. You might change the hours per day to 6 or even lower based on your environment. Or you can assign people at less than full time to their tasks. Talk to your team members about what’s realistic.
  4. Keep resource assignments simple. Managing and modifying resource assignments is a huge source of scheduling headaches. A best scheduling practice is to break down project work so tasks are shorter than your reporting periods and have one or two resources assigned. With tasks like these, it’s a lot easier to create resource assignments – and change them once work gets underway.
  5. Train people to use the scheduling tool. Scheduling tools help you produce easy-to-understand reports. Sometimes, people believe they can modify your schedules or produce project reports without any training. That is a recipe for inaccurate reporting, expectation management issues, and a project manager migraine! Make sure everyone who will use the scheduling tool to maintain the schedule and produce reports is properly trained.

For more about scheduling and Microsoft Project, check out my Project Management Foundations: Scheduling course and Microsoft Project Essential Training course.

A project goal that people can understand

One key to success is making sure everyone understands what your project is supposed to accomplish. Here are tips for putting together a project goal that keeps your project on track to success.

Identify a specific business objective or issue to resolve. Successful projects solve a significant ongoing issue or produce new capabilities for the business and/or its customers. The project goal should succinctly describe the capability or issue, and the outcomes the project will deliver. For example: “The project will address gaps in tracking shipments to our remote locations by creating an extension to our existing logistics application.”

Verify the goal beyond your sponsor and primary customer. As key stakeholders, the project sponsor and primary customer must support the project goal statement. To ensure an accurate and meaningful project goal, conduct a stakeholder inventory and verify the project goal with other influential leaders. That way, you avoid questions about the project intent or scope that could delay project launch. 

Smaller goals work best. Project goals can be quite extensive, which is not only fine, but also often necessary. However, smaller goals achieved through a series of targeted projects are less risky than trying to run one large project. Agile project methods embrace this concept. Breaking your goal into smaller pieces means achieving outcomes earlier. Also, smaller goals might reduce the need for organizational change management activities. You can still achieve significant objectives by delivering in progressive steps. 

Don’t dilute the goal. Ensure every project task helps you achieve your goal. Especially on longer projects, other goals have a way of sneaking into your project. Ensure that you and your team members focus on only the work needed to complete your project as defined. Enforce a stringent change management process to avoid scope creep, and you’ll be on your way to delivering successful outcomes!

For more about project management, check out my Project Management Foundations course.

What Goes into a Project Charter?

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A project charter defines and formally launches a project. What information goes into one? What level of detail is best? Here are my tips for what a project charter should do.

  • Authorize the project for a smooth launch. Primarily, a project charter ensures the project is authorized, so money and effort can be expended. A brief announcement email might suffice. Or significant detail could be required, depending on the organization’s norms. Include the information your organization requires for project authorization, so you can launch the project without issues.
  • Inform and engage stakeholders to obtain resources. Resources are often in short supply. Managers want to assign the right people for the job. Include the information that helps managers identify who to assign as team members for your project. This information often includes required technical skills, preliminary project timeframes, funding sources, estimated project milestones, and the project priority within the organization’s work portfolio.
  • Obtain funds. A sponsor’s project approval may not be enough to release project funds. The project charter must contain information required by the finance organization. This can include internal and external resourcing needs, whether existing or new vendor contracts will be used to obtain skilled resources, cash flow projections, and other cost and business case details.
  • Define responsibility/authority. Projects require a shared understanding of the responsibilities of the project manager, sponsor, and other key stakeholders. In some organizations, these roles are pre-defined across all projects. In others, responsibilities can change based on project context, and the management level from which the project is managed. The project charter should include details of assigned authority, accountability and decision-making processes.
  • Assumptions, risks, constraints, and other details. Organizations often have specific information they require in a charter, for example, a regulatory requirement that mandates a project deadline. Be sure to identify the unique industry expectations your organization and management team have regarding a charter.

An effective project charter can vary wildly –from a verbal assurance by a senior leader, to an informal email, or a detailed multi-page document. Follow the guidelines above as a start. If you vary from your organization’s typical charter, include more detail versus less. An effective charter gets your project off to a good start – and that’s the first step to successfully completing your project.

Here’s a great resource for project management templates.

Developing a Productive Project Culture

A productive cultural environment is critical to delivering successful project outcomes. Here are tips for managing a productive project culture whether your project has a unique culture or is an extension of your organization’s culture.

Plan cultural development tasks. Effective project culture doesn’t happen by accident. The best project managers are purposeful about developing a positive culture: constructive ways to make decisions, defining your authority, and defining your technical team leaders’ responsibilities. Building a common understanding of how you will communicate with each other is a fundamental cultural requirement. This takes more effort than most people realize. Vendor personnel might need to adjust their habits and expectations for your project. Employees from different offices or countries might need to adjust.

Plan for tasks to bring your team together and ensure cultural expectations are aligned. While people are adjusting their cultural expectations, spend time to help them smoothly integrate with your project.

Get feedback. Cultural transitions might be difficult for team members. Even when they may appear to be working well, they may struggle working within your team’s expectations. Ask for and carefully review feedback regarding your project culture. Listen carefully and offer help if you have any doubts about their comfort level.

Focus on positive intent. You may find team members’ cultural expectations differ from your own. Don’t dismiss their expectations as wrong or incongruent. Instead, focus on the positive intent of their cultural norms. Learn what they hope to achieve through their cultural habits. Ask team members whether they see difficulties or risks in the cultural elements you put in place. This helps build deeper understanding and make team harmony easier to achieve.

Be flexible and consistent. Team members work best when they feel understood and appreciated. The best results come from being flexible to accommodate individual needs, while being consistent working with your full team. Say a team member has different expectations about their involvement in decision making. You can speak with them ahead of time one-on-one, while involving the entire team in the decision after that conversation. The individual’s expectations are met, while the team sees a consistent approach to making decisions.

Review your results. Once you bring together your project culture, don’t lose focus on it. Your culture will be challenged by the stresses of project highs and lows. Work with your team and adjust to meet the perceived needs of your team members. Spend extra time collecting opinions or provide more assurance to hard working team members – it can help you maintain your team’s effectiveness.

For more about corporate culture, check out Sara Canaday’s Organizational Culture course.

Renewing your passion as a project manager

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It’s easy to succumb to the pressure of a steady parade of project challenges and forget the plusses of being a project manager. To regain your project manager passion, consider the contributions a project manager makes:

Driving your business’s success. Projects don’t succeed without project managers and businesses don’t move forward without successful projects. For every new product, customer success story, or happy-dance stock price move for your business, you know projects are behind those successes. Project managers are the on-the-ground tacticians of a business and drive its ongoing viability.

Nurturing your team members. As a project manager, you make a significant difference in the lives of your team members. I have had to protect my team members from business challenges on every project I’ve managed! Poorly thought out changes, management probes, oversold benefits, and priority squabbles are a few examples where you have to step in to protect your team. That way, your team can complete their tasks and advance the project. Plus, you can develop your team members by mentoring them and assigning skill-building tasks.

Satisfying and supporting consumers. Your role in bringing projects to life can affect consumers in significant ways. Project end-products fulfill not only your business’s needs, but also your customers’ needs. Keep in mind that your projects provide new ways of producing work, servicing products, and supporting the community. Your efforts as a project manager move the economy forward!

Growing yourself. Your project management role can be a vehicle for personal growth. I’ve learned something from every project I’ve worked on, like the inner workings of an industry to new technology to best practices for leading people. By definition, a project creates a unique product or result, so learning comes with the territory. Use your projects to take advantage of exposure to new business areas, new technologies and new or enhanced skills. Step outside your comfort zone to learn even more. 

Promoting fun. Curt W. Coffman and Kathie Sorensen, PhD authored the book Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast. When you create a positive project culture where fun is promoted, you will realize better results. And that reinforces your purpose as a project manager to: create new outcomes, support the business, and provide opportunities for people. 

To learn more, search for “project management” (or any topic that interests you) in the LinkedIn Learning library

Life management = project management

I manage my life like one long project. Quick review: It’s a project because my life is a temporary endeavour (I don’t want to live forever) that is unique and comes with a budget. Life is messy so it really needs managing! Here’s why I project-manage my life and you should manage yours, too.

Priorities are important – and the primary stakeholder is demanding. Like any project, there are many possible outcomes and multiple ways to reach each outcome. Prioritizing outcomes and deciding how to achieve them is my approach to projects: Understand the possibilities, look at the alternative strategies and choose the best one. For my life project, I decide what I want, how I can achieve those things, and pick my path. The big difference between my life and a project is the primary stakeholder…I’m more demanding and second-guess myself more than any of my other project stakeholders have ever done!

You never get time back. The first question about a project is usually “what’s the schedule?” My first task every morning is to check my schedule. Whether for personal time or a project, every minute is something you can’t redo. Getting the most out of time is important, whether I’m managing deliverables or delivering dinner to friends.

Money creates balance and safety. A budget helps balance income and expenses in projects and in life. Effectively managing finances helps support my lifestyle — my home, car, hobbies travels, and philanthropy. Think cost-benefits. Finances support the tools and people who deliver my “lifestyle” and minimize the risk of my life project being cancelled!

Regular health checks are vital. Exercising, keeping fit, eating properly and regular medical check-ups maintain my vitality. Besides hiring the right people, deploying the right tools, and managing diligently, regularly scheduled life status meetings are important. Not just medical check-ups. It’s important to take the time to evaluate my life and decide whether my goals have changed. Life status meetings are also a good time to identify what’s working, not working, and what I could be doing better. (If you don’t like meeting with yourself, consider creating a board of directors for your life – which is a topic for another article.)

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