
Skills Required for Program Management

Photo by Kid Circus on Unsplash

Thinking of making the jump from project to program management? A program manager’s job is more than being a very competent project manager. Let’s examine a few of the critical skills you need to fulfill a program manager’s responsibilities.

  • Refined business sense. Program managers require significant business acumen. Just to initiate the program, you need to be able to position the program from a business strategy perspective, understand its priority compared to other active initiatives, and decide the best approach to work with your sponsor. From that point forward, you need to understand how the product(s) of your program will affect your business’ and your competitor’s market presence. A refined business focus is necessary to support the program’s vitality and maintain its proper priority within your sponsoring business. 
  • Enhanced listening and negotiation skills. A program manager faces the challenge of dealing with multiple business stakeholders who don’t share the same agenda. The ability to listen and understand differing points of view is important because stakeholders in conflict often hold high-level positions. It can be tricky to negotiate and not give up control of the program–without threatening a major stakeholder. Care, listening and being sensitive to stakeholders is essential.
  • Excellent delegation skills. A program manager relies more on delegation than does a project manager. You must rely on individuals to perform technical skills. You must also call upon others to manage projects, coordinate status reporting, detect and resolve project-level issues, and handle customer interactions. Program managers must be sensitive to the abilities and personalities of their project managers to know when to intervene for the sake of the overall program, all without being demeaning.
  • Broad change perspective. Program managers must embrace change with a distinct perspective. Programs are more encompassing than projects, have much longer timeframes, and affect a broader cross-section of the business. In a changing competitive world, significant program change is inevitable, which is more significant than the comparatively short-term change created by most projects. Programs must handle change from the marketplace at large as well as the change the program creates throughout its lifecycle. This can be tricky. For example, you must make assumptions about the change that will occur from project 1 of the program before that project completes, so you can plan for project 5 of the program. You must manage both business and technical change. It’s a non-trivial exercise requiring broad, insightful thinking and embracing many possibilities! 

If you have skills to add to a program manager’s skillset, share with us in the comments section.

For more about program management, check out the Become a Program Manager learning path.

PMBoK7 Perspectives: Optimize Risk Responses

The Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBoK7) emphasizes how managing risk with appropriate responses helps optimize project outcomes. Here are the five characteristics of optimal risk responses outlined by the Project Management Institute. 

Appropriate for the risk’s significance. The risk responses you choose should align with the impact the risk has on your project. For example, a response is appropriate if a risk could make your time-critical project finish several months late. Conversely, if a risk will cost $10 if it occurs, don’t bother spending time on it. As you consider risk response actions, determine how many people they require, any complexity changes, or changes to the outcome of the project. And ensure your risk response doesn’t create other significant risks for your project. Review your proposed response to ensure stakeholders are comfortable with it. 

Cost effective. The cost or benefit to the project if the risk occurs should be reasonable compared to the cost of risk mitigation. Don’t spend $1,000 to avoid a risk that will cost $300 if it occurs. If the risk impact is hard to quantify, such as the potential of impacting marketplace reputation, ensure your risk responses are in line with senior leaders’ perception of the risk.

Realistic within the project context.  Optimal risk responses should be easily executed, implemented quickly, using a universally understood approach. You should rethink any risk response actions that outside these conditions. Suppose you have a project involving five team members from one department. A risk response action that requires 10 people from four different departments won’t be easy to execute– it adds complexity and expands your project communication and coordination requirements. 

Agreed to by relevant stakeholders. Stakeholders should be comfortable with your response plans and should be able to participate or support your actions if needed. Take care to ensure all relevant stakeholders agree with your risk responses. You don’t want conflicts to arise when it’s time to respond to risks that are becoming issues.

Owned by a responsible person. The “responsible person” is the individual who is most capable of recognizing when a risk is coming to fruition, or has occurred, and can immediately respond. A key to effective risk management is to minimize negative impacts or maximize opportunities. To do that, it’s critical to act swiftly and authoritatively. The responsible person is usually a department manager or senior team member who handles the tasks impacted by the risk—not the project manager.

Do you use other characteristics to choose risk responses? If so, share with us in the comments sections!

For more about risk management, check out Bob McGannon new course Project Management Foundations: Risk

Coming Up

I’m updating my Project Management Foundations course. Look for it in Fall 2022.

My latest course, Microsoft Project 2021 and Project Online Desktop Essential Training, is now available in the LinkedIn Learning library. In this edition, you can not only follow the movie steps in exercise files. I included additional homework you can do on the file after the movie ends. Click the link to watch the course for free (for up to 24 hours after you click.)

How to Handle a Team Member Change

A team member leaving your project can be very disruptive. Fortunately, there are ways to reduce the impact of that person’s departure. Here are some tips for welcoming and integrating your new team member to make the transition flow smoothly.

    • Include orientation time. Regardless of your team member’s abilities, allocate time for reviewing with the new person deliverable status, project methodology, assigned tasks, and identified risks. This review can take considerable time, especially with large, complex projects. Work with your stakeholders to reduce the pressure for your new team member to deliver immediately. That way, they can absorb the knowledge they need to contribute to the project and get up to speed more quickly.
  • Facilitate introductions. A team’s productivity and harmony is thrown for a loop when a personnel change occurs. To reduce this negative impact, set up meetings to introduce your new team member to the team and other relevant stakeholders. Include a personal welcome and allow stakeholders to ask questions to promote rebuilding your team and moving forward with deliverables.
  • Calculate and communicate any schedule impact. Meetings and introductions for your new team member to get up to speed take time. That means your schedule will be affected. Plan accordingly! Update your schedule to accommodate the person’s orientation and tasks. Don’t try to absorb into your existing schedule. If you do so once, stakeholders will expect you to do that at any time, which isn’t practical or wise. 
  • Adjust your cost forecast. A new team member can affect project costs, especially if you’re dealing with contractors. Costs will also change if your new team member is an employee and you track internal resource costs. Also, if you end up with a less-skilled employee, it may take longer for them to accomplish tasks, which can add cost to your project.
  • Monitor for changes or issues. A new team member can improve performance, generate personality issues, produce technical inaccuracies, or come up with a better way to deliver their tasks. A “plug and play” approach to change team members isn’t a good idea. Instead, pay attention to what happens with your new team member. Check in with them and watch the timing and quality of the deliverables they produce.

If you have other tips for bringing a new team member on board, share with us in the comments section.

For more about navigating team member change, check out Daniel Station’s Project Management Foundations: Teams course. 

Coming Up

I’m updating my Project Management Foundations course. Look for it in Fall 2022.

My latest course, Microsoft Project 2021 and Project Online Desktop Essential Training, is now available in the LinkedIn Learning library. In this edition, you can not only follow the movie steps in exercise files. I included additional homework you can do on the file after the movie ends. Click the link to watch the course for free (for up to 24 hours after you click.)

Managing a Sponsor Change

The relationship between the sponsor and project manager is so critical that a change of sponsor is very disruptive. If you end up with a new sponsor, quickly establish rapport with them with the following steps.

  • Confirm the sponsor’s knowledge of the project. Always have a one-page project summary ready and review it with your new sponsor. Doing so highlights your organizational capability as well as brings your sponsor up to speed. Review outstanding support commitments from your prior sponsor (such as helping you obtain a key resource.) Your new sponsor may have different perspectives on those commitments so be prepared to discuss their rationales and consider alternatives your new sponsor may propose.
  • Establish expectations of project management. Based on their perceived needs and preferences, sponsors have different expectations of project managers. Ask about your sponsor’s preferred method for receiving status information (written or verbal), and how they want you to alert them to issues that arise. Clarify the role they want to play in project-related decision-making and what you can decide independently as the PM. If you have a formal project charter in place, review the responsibilities section to guide the conversation. Be ready to adjust to suit your sponsor.
  • Clarify your sponsor’s desired level of detail. Senior leaders often have distinct preferences about the level of information they receive. Some want high points, while others prefer to delve into the details. Ask your new sponsor for their overall preference regarding information they receive and if there are exceptions. For example, they may be happy with high-level information but want details about your response actions to address a critical issue.
  • Confirm project success criteria. Your new sponsor’s perception of success may differ from their predecessor’s. Some sponsors emphasize meeting deadlines, while others are more patient to ensure that the project produces the highest quality deliverables. Review your success criteria and the priority of the triple constraints (scope, cost, and time) with your new sponsor. Tailor your plans as necessary if your sponsor wants to change priorities, but don’t forget to lodge a change request for approval when doing so!

What other tips do you have for building a relationship with a new sponsor? Share them with us in the comments section!

For more about project sponsors, check out my Project Management Foundations course.

Coming Up

I’m updating my Project Management Foundations course. Look for it in Fall 2022.

Is Your Project Ready for Its Kick-off Meeting?

The project kick-off meeting is a big milestone in the project lifecycle.  When it’s complete, the team can dive into getting the project work done. Here’s some preparation for you to complete to make your kick-off meeting a success. 

  • Obtain agreement on the defined scope. Make sure stakeholders have a common understanding of the project scope. To do this, create a list of questions that might be asked at the kickoff. Draft answers to those questions and review them with key stakeholders before scheduling the kick-off meeting. Tweak the answers until the stakeholders agree that the scope is correct.

The kick-off meeting sets the tone for the project. If questions about scope arise in the kick-off meeting and key stakeholders agree on the answers, the team will be reassured that the project is on solid footing. That makes it easier to get your team members engaged in the project. (On the other hand, if stakeholders debate the scope in the kick-off meeting, the project team will question whether the project is headed in the right direction. Instead of being engaged, your team members could start looking for the nearest exit.)

  • Draft a high-level project plan. Team members need to understand the project methodology you’re using, which teams will work together and roughly when they’re expected to participate. To address these items, you, as project manager, need to develop a high-level project plan. You need enough planning to show your team which direction the project will take and how their expertise helps achieve project objectives. (You don’t need to create a detailed plan, because you work with your team members to build that plan. 
  • Your sponsor is ready to address the team. Hearing about the project objectives directly from the sponsor is the best way to ensure project buy-in. The sponsor should:
    1. Explain how project outcomes will help the organization
    2. Communicate their personal dedication to help complete the project.

The sponsor and project manager should collaborate on the sponsor’s kick-off presentation to ensure that it syncs with the scope and plans that will be presented in the meeting.

The sponsor’s presentation is best done in person, but can be recorded if schedules don’t allow the sponsor to be present. Too many projects suffer from the sponsor not taking the time to be part of the kick-off meeting – the team will questions the sponsor’s dedication to the project.

  • Ensure that High-level risks are understood. Stakeholders want to feel confident their concerns are understood and will be managed by the project team. It’s best to talk with stakeholders and address their fears prior to the kick-off meeting. However, it’s even better to have responses ready for questions raised during the session. As risks are brought up, share the facts you have, your intended actions, and investigations you may conduct to determine the probability and impact notable risks may have on your project. 
  • Define success criteria. Confirm the project’s success criteria, including the specific benefits for each area of the business. For example, instead of sharing “The project will help the bottom line,” share specifics like, “The project will reduce product cost by 18% to help address Finance goals and will increase throughput by 15% to support the Production Department.” Be ready to answer questions about how those objectives will be achieved. Keep your responses high-level — you won’t have detailed plans at your kick-off meeting.

What else do you do the prepare for a kick off meeting? Share your best practices or questions about kick off meetings in the comment section.

For more about kick off meetings, check out my Project Management Foundations course.

Coming Up

I’m starting the update of my Project Management Foundations course! Look for it in Fall 2022.

Dealing with Unreasonable Expectations

Key stakeholders sometimes apply significant pressure to achieve unrealistic project goals. Pushing back against these requests can rattle the nerves of even the most experienced project manager! And it can be difficult to convince stakeholders to change their objectives or perspectives. What do you do when you can’t change stakeholders’ minds? Adopt a process that allows you to manage expectations and move the project forward. Here is a four-step approach to make the best of dealing with unreasonable expectations.

Step 1 – Share the facts. Develop a simple and direct argument that outlines your concerns with the project. Use prior project data, industry reference materials, and concerns presented by technical leaders. Your message is likely to be viewed as bad news, so be ready for a strong reaction. It may take a few tries to get your point across, so be persistent to get your message heard. Stick to the facts. Don’t let stakeholder reactions hijack your message into an emotional discussion. You’re sharing information about risks that need to be addressed. Keep in mind, it isn’t your job to prevent senior leaders from taking risks. Your job as project manager is to ensure that stakeholders recognize the risks the project presents. After your discussion, deal with the directions you receive as best you can.

Step 2 – Embrace perspectives. Share project risks across a wider audience and listen for additional stakeholder perspectives. Technical team members may be overloaded with issues or an unreasonable volume of work. Some stakeholders may have interests for their local team that conflict with the best option for the overall organization. All these things may land at your feet to handle. Be understanding and remember – you can address issues through transparent discussion only when stakeholders put their issues on the table. Help others understand these differing perspectives and generate discussions to explore a clearer path to move the project forward. 

Step 3 – Be ready to compromise. Don’t be stubborn. As the conversations you arrange unfold, some of your attempts to reduce project risk may be rejected. Seek a reasonable risk management position that allows you to make positive strides toward project delivery. The way forward may not be perfect. However, an 80% improvement in your situation is probably better than damaging a relationship to achieve 90 or 100%. When the environment for project delivery isn’t ideal, put extra monitoring in place to reveal issues as soon as possible. Discuss these areas of concern with your sponsor and in your weekly project meetings.

Step 4 – Demonstrate the path your project is taking. Capitalize on your monitoring to watch for issues. Create metrics that show the impact (or lack of) that areas of risk have on the project. Share the path your project is taking with stakeholders. For example, if you are concerned that key technical resources won’t be available to dedicate enough time to your project, establish a minimum amount of time needed to deliver your project on schedule. Monitor the actual hours your resource dedicates to the project and the completion status of their tasks. Report your results at status meetings to keep people appraised on the status of the risk. If the concerns you raised earlier (in step 1) are having an impact, you will have concrete data to justify your concern, and your stakeholders are more likely to support the changes you need to successfully deliver your project. If all is going well, don’t get complacent! Continue monitoring until the risk possibility has passed.

Do you have any pointers for dealing with unreasonable requests? Share them with us in the comments section!

For more about dealing with unreasonable expectations, check out Natasha Kasimtseva’s Managing Project Stakeholders course.

Coming Up

Next LinkedIn Office Hours will be on Wednesday, June, 1 2022-

Project Management Entrepreneurship Part 2: Skills and Tools

Have you thought about going out on your own as a project manager, instead of being an employee? Seyi Kukoyi, PMP, and Bonnie Biafore, PMP, provide guidance for that journey in the course Become a Project Management Entrepreneur ( In this follow-on LinkedIn Office Hours event, Seyi, Bonnie, John Riopel and Oliver Yarbrough discuss the skills and tools you need to be a PM entrepreneur.

PMBoK7 Perspectives: Enabling Change

The Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBoK7) highlights the importance of preparing impacted stakeholders for new processes and tools introduced by projects, so they are not only adopted, but also become a permanent part of the landscape (or until things need to change again). Here are four ways to support the changes that projects bring to your organization. 

  • Make change relevant. Successful project delivery means stakeholders adopt the products and processes your project introduces. Adoption is much more likely when people understand the benefits of the project outcomes. To accomplish this, get stakeholders involved early, share the project vision, and listen to and, if warranted,  incorporate feedback. Without doing these things, stakeholder engagement will be tepid at best, which makes successful project delivery difficult.
  • Embrace resistance. The feedback you receive from stakeholders isn’t always positive. Change is challenging and people are likely to resist. Don’t automatically dismiss this as “people not wanting to change.” People resisting change often raise legitimate issues and opportunities for improvement. By listening and responding to these items, you can convert sceptics into believers. Converted sceptics are powerful advocates for your project.
  • Motivate people to change.  Changing the way people work is difficult. It is imperative that you show them the pathway to make that change. This goes beyond understanding the outcomes their job produces for the business. Show them how the results of work objectives will be enhanced and how stakeholder productivity will be measured. In addition, collaborate with stakeholders to create these productivity measurements —  that gives stakeholders a say in the objectives they are supposed to achieve. Making people part of the change is a great motivational tool.
  • Fit your change into the big picture. Change often generates fundamental, important questions.  Where is this taking us? What’s next? How can I best prepare for what is to come? The best support comes from stakeholders who understand what is happening now, and how the current change creates opportunity for improvement. Ensure stakeholders understand what is in the project portfolio, how those initiatives tie into the organizational strategy, and what to expect in the future.

Do you have examples of enabling change in your organization? If so, share in the comments section!

For more about change management, check out Scott Mautz Changes Management Foundations course

Coming up:

Next LinkedIn Office Hours will be on Wednesday, June, 1 2022-

Project Management Entrepreneurship Part 2: Skills and Tools

Have you thought about going out on your own as a project manager, instead of being an employee? Seyi Kukoyi, PMP, and Bonnie Biafore, PMP, provide guidance for that journey in the course Become a Project Management Entrepreneur ( In this follow-on LinkedIn Office Hours event, Seyi, Bonnie, John Riopel and Oliver Yarbrough discuss the skills and tools you need to be a PM entrepreneur.

Is your project suitable for agile practices?

Photo by Lala Azizli on Unsplash

Not every project is suited to agile techniques. Sound criteria can help you identify whether your projects are good agile candidates. Here are questions you can use to develop your agile qualification criteria:   

  • Can you get the right staff? Appropriate technical and business team members must be dedicated to the project. That means that you must manage the challenging tradeoffs between project work and operational considerations.

Agile projects produce results quickly, so they are time-intensive for participants. Plus, agile approaches require critical business and technical team members who are vital to your business operations. It’s important to prioritize their time on the project so they can contribute effectively. 

  • Do resources have appropriate breadth of knowledge? In-depth knowledge of the business and technical areas related to the project is crucial. The agile approach relies on business experts working closely with expert technical team members. What makes agile methodologies agile is responsiveness to evolving needs. Knowledgeable technical and businesspeople need to consistently reassess the project’s product, the business’s needs at a macro and micro-level, and the priority of the functions needed by the end customer.
  • Does the sponsor have an agile mindset? The sponsor must be willing to participate in frequent reviews of the evolving product, which are fundamental to the agile approach. Agile responsiveness to changing business conditions and its learning environment are very different from traditional project methods. If a sponsor wants a linear, methodical set of objectives delivered to a pre-conceived schedule, they will struggle with agile project deliverables. Sponsors who are uncomfortable with the evolutionary nature of agile create difficulties that can sink a project.
  • Can the team be co-located (physically or virtually)? Agile involves deep, interactive, and sometimes challenging dialog. Getting the most from that dialog requires the richest environment you can create. Co-locate your project team members if possible. If you can’t, simulate co-location with the best video and audio tools you can obtain. Trying to facilitate agile dialog with sub-par communication tools is like trying to tow a camper trailer with a lawn tractor. 
  • Is there synergy between business and technical team members?  An agile team has to get along well to be successful. Agile methodologies require dedication from business and technical experts who are open to supporting new ideas and each other as individuals. You need an agile coach who understands and can manage human dynamics, and who can foster an environment where team members readily share their ideas and concerns. 
  • Can the product be built iteratively? Agile’s best qualities come from delivering solutions in pieces while learning from each iteration. In addition to software products, other products can be produced this way as well. With a bit of creativity, facility moves, new process implementations, and even some construction projects can utilize agile methods.

Do you use other criteria to determine whether a project is a candidate for an agile approach? If so, share with us in the comments section.

For more about agile methodologies, check out the courses in the Become an Agile Project Manager learning path.

Coming Up

Next LinkedIn Office Hours will be on Wednesday, June, 1 2022-

Project Management Entrepreneurship Part 2: Skills and Tools

Have you thought about going out on your own as a project manager, instead of being an employee? Seyi Kukoyi, PMP, and Bonnie Biafore, PMP, provide guidance for that journey in the course Become a Project Management Entrepreneur ( In this follow-on LinkedIn Office Hours event, Seyi, Bonnie, John Riopel and Oliver Yarbrough discuss the skills and tools you need to be a PM entrepreneur.

PMBoK7 Perspectives: Navigate Complexity

Photo by Timo Volz on Unsplash

The Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBoK7) talks about navigating complexity to successfully complete the project lifecycle. Although complexity can surface anywhere, there are four main sources of complexity to manage. Here’s an overview of those sources and tips for reducing the impact of complexity on projects. 

  • Human behavior. The most significant project complexity comes from people. Personal agendas, personality conflicts, fear-triggered behaviors, and unrealistic expectations present significant challenges. In a virtual world, misinterpreted communications, cultural norms and leadership styles create issues. To address this complexity, listen carefully and seek to understand what people are saying. In addition, be sure to focus on using emotional intelligence and compassion with everyone on the project.
  • System behavior. The way technology systems interact can introduce complexity. This is amplified with interaction between old and new technology where synchronizing data can be complex. As system complexity increases, finding and training support personnel becomes more difficult and time consuming. Dealing with this takes time, so business and project managers must be patient! Systems must be “decoupled” – that is, analyzed and broken down into simple functions. Then, the team must examine each of those functions and ensure that relevant stakeholders understand how those functions work in concert with their business processes.
  • Uncertain and ambiguous requirements. Requirements, even those that appear straightforward, can introduce complexity. Uncertain definitions or misinterpreted directions from stakeholders can create significant delays. People misinterpret ambiguous requirements, which can drive projects into costly detours. Correcting this requires time to analyze and examine requirements and resolve any uncertainty and ambiguity. Patience and time with business stakeholders is critical to clarifying requirements. 
  • Technological Innovation. Innovation is disruptive and can create substantial complexity. To address this, project teams need to embrace the value that organizational change management contributes to business outcomes. Take time to help people adjust to the change journey. Conduct process training and provide people with the opportunity to get comfortable with new technological solutions. That way, stakeholders become confident with the new solution and their ability to perform their jobs in a new way. 

What other types of complexity have you encountered and how have you handled it? Share your experiences with us in the comments section.

For more about project complexity, check out Sam Yankelevitch’s Project Complexity Tips and Tricks course.

Coming Up:

Next LinkedIn Office Hours will be on Wednesday, June, 1 2022-

Project Management Entrepreneurship Part 2: Skills and Tools

Have you thought about going out on your own as a project manager, instead of being an employee? Seyi Kukoyi, PMP, and Bonnie Biafore, PMP, provide guidance for that journey in the course Become a Project Management Entrepreneur ( In this follow-on LinkedIn Office Hours event, Seyi, Bonnie, John Riopel and Oliver Yarbrough discuss the skills and tools you need to be a PM entrepreneur.

My latest course, Microsoft Project 2021 and Project Online Desktop Essential Training, is now available in the LinkedIn Learning library. In this edition, you can not only follow the movie steps in exercise files. I included additional homework you can do on the file after the movie ends. Click the link to watch the course for free (for up to 24 hours after you click.)

PMBoK7 Perspectives: Exploiting Opportunities

PMBoK7 places more emphasis on managing positive risks, called opportunities (situations that improve project outcomes.) In the past, this project approach was underutilized, because the tendency is to focus on negative risks (called threats.) Here are PMI’s five approaches to making the most of project opportunities. 

  • Exploit. To exploit opportunity, you can take definitive action to ensure that an opportunity occurs. For example, you could purchase a more capable technical component that increases the business value delivered by the project. Or I could respond to a clear-cut customer demand by adding a remote-control feature to a ceiling fan. This would generate customer satisfaction and greater sales by fulfilling a specific need. 
  • Enhance. Enhancing an opportunity means taking an action to increase the probability of the opportunity occurring and/or increasing the positive impact it has on your project if it does occur. This is the equivalent of mitigating a negative risk. For example, to increase the reliability of a product, you decide to install a redundant part within the product, so if one fails the other automatically takes over. The outcome is a better product that you can charge more for, increasing the probability that your profit will improve due to the increased sales and higher customer satisfaction.
  • Escalate. A project team might discover ways to improve project outcomes that are outside the project team’s sphere of influence, for example, dealing with transactions involving foreign currencies. Changing the payment schedule or requesting a payment could mean big differences in currency exchange rates. Senior managers or the finance organization would make the decision on this financial schedule change. In this case, the project manager escalates the opportunity to the people who have the authority for the decision. 
  • Share. This strategy means you allocate full or partial ownership of an opportunity to a third party who is best able to capture the benefit of that opportunity. For example, a customer offers a bonus payment for early project completion. To increase the chances of finishing early, you hire an expert firm to perform parts of your project and share the bonus payment with them if you finish early.
  • Accept. Finally, just like with threats, you can accept the existence of an opportunity as-is.  You do nothing, and hope the opportunity comes to fruition. This is suitable for low probability or low impact opportunities.

If you have techniques you have used to take advantage of opportunities, share with us in the comments section.

For more about risk management, check out Bob McGannon’s Project Management Foundations: Risk course.